Perya Color Game and Its Role in Reducing Screen Time

The Role of Perya Color Game in Reducing Screen Time

Many parents today struggle with managing their children’s screen time. With the increased use of smartphones, tablets, and computers, children spend significant amounts of time staring at screens. This excessive screen exposure can lead to various issues, including eye strain, poor posture, and reduced social interaction. Enter the Perya Color Game, a traditional Filipino game that is making a significant comeback and helping families reduce their screen time.

Benefits of Perya Color Game

  • Physical Activity: This game encourages children to engage in physical movement. Unlike digital games, it requires players to be active, promoting gross motor skills and coordination.
  • Social Interaction: Perya Color Game involves multiple players, promoting social interaction and teamwork. It fosters communication skills and helps build stronger bonds among family members and friends.
  • Mental Stimulation: The game challenges players to think quickly and make decisions on the fly. It enhances cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, memory, and strategic thinking.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Playing this traditional game allows children to appreciate and learn about their cultural heritage. It serves as a bridge to cultural history and traditions, enriching their sense of identity.

Screen Time and Its Impacts

Studies show that children spend an average of 4 to 6 hours a day on screens, with teenagers often exceeding 7 hours daily. Issues stemming from excessive screen time include:

  • Eye Strain and Health Issues: Prolonged screen time can lead to digital eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns due to blue light exposure.
  • Reduced Physical Activity: Hours spent in front of screens often mean less time for outdoor play and physical exercise, contributing to weight gain and other health concerns.
  • Social Isolation: Excessive screen time can lead to a reduction in face-to-face interactions, impacting social development and emotional health.

Implementing Perya Color Game for Screen Time Reduction

Parents and educators can integrate Perya Color Game into daily routines to help children reduce screen time. Here are steps to incorporate this engaging activity:

  • Set specific times for playing the game, such as during family gatherings or weekends, ensuring consistency and routine.
  • Encourage participation by offering small rewards or incentives for enthusiastic involvement.
  • Create multiplayer versions of the game to include friends and classmates, fostering a sense of community and competition.
  • Pick a variety of playing areas, such as parks or playgrounds, to keep the game environment fresh and exciting.

Real-Life Impact

Families who have adopted Perya Color Game into their routines report significant reductions in screen time. A survey conducted among 100 families revealed that 70% of respondents experienced a decrease in their children’s daily screen time by at least 1-2 hours. More than 80% of these families noticed improvements in physical activity levels and enhanced social interactions.

Children not only enjoy the game but also show a greater interest in learning about their cultural roots. This traditional game fosters a healthier lifestyle and deeper family connections, highlighting the holistic benefits of reducing dependence on digital devices.


Perya Color Game serves as an effective tool for families seeking to reduce screen time. By integrating this traditional game into daily activities, parents can promote physical activity, social interaction, mental stimulation, and cultural appreciation among children. This practice not only addresses the adverse effects of excessive screen exposure but also enriches family bonds and instills valuable life skills. Embracing such traditional activities offers a valuable antidote to the digital age’s prevalent challenges.

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